
John Kasmin - Episode Four, Series Two of The Third Act

John Kasmin, Art Dealer, pictured at Auriens
8 March 2023
This week's episode of The Third Act features John Kasmin, or "Kas" as he's better known. Since setting up his own gallery in 1963, Kas has been one of the most admired dealers and collectors in the world of contemporary art.

John Kasmin, or 'Kas' as he's better known, is one of the most well-known art dealers and collectors. He is perhaps best known for representing David Hockney who was one of Kas's first artists when he set up his own gallery in 1963. Whereas most galleries at the time were domestic in scale, Kas was the first to open his gallery in a large white space to better focus on the work itself. With Catherine Fairweather, he talks about hitchhiking around the world in his teenage years, saving Hockney from poverty, giving up alcohol, his "good eye" for art and his trademark glasses.

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